Quantico Speeding Ticket Lawyer

In Quantico, reckless driving is taken very seriously. There are many offenses that can constitute reckless driving, many of which people are unaware. Reckless driving is considered a misdemeanor crime in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In other words, you could spend up to a year in jail for any of the numerous offenses that qualify as reckless driving, including excessive speeding. If you have been charged with reckless driving or any other traffic-related offense, a Quantico speeding ticket lawyer such as those with our firm can be your key to to optimal results. That may include avoiding numerous legal or personal consequences. Potential consequences that result from this kind of conviction are very serious, therefore you cannot afford to take your defense lightly. We will give everything we have to your case and handle the case with the passion and drive that the charges require.

Experienced Quantico Speeding Ticket Attorney

Reckless driving is a charge that many people have heard of but few completely understand. Many people fail to understand why “just paying the citation” isn’t enough. While you could just pay the citation, you will also suffer a criminal conviction that can affect your life for years to come. A criminal conviction can hamper your ability to get or keep a job. If you need a security clearance for your job, achieving that clearance is virtually impossible with a criminal conviction on your record. Because criminal convictions are a matter of public record, it would be very easy for an employer or a potential employer to find out if you had been convicted of reckless driving. One of the experienced attorneys with our firm can help prevent your charges from turning into convictions that could negatively impact your life for years to come. If you have any more questions about these charges and what they entail, please contact us to schedule a free consultation with our attorneys where you will have the opportunity to have all of your questions answered. The DMV for the Commonwealth of Virginia can also provide you with more information.

What can be done to help you if you have been charged with speeding in Quantico? For many people, a reckless driving charge is their very first driving offense. If this is the case, your Quantico speeding ticket attorney will argue for your charge to be reduced to an infraction. An experienced lawyer can also negotiate for driver improvement courses or community service in exchange for the reduction or elimination of your charges. Your attorney’s history with speed-related reckless driving charges means he or she will know of numerous alternatives that can be suggested to the court besides criminal conviction. Our firm has a team of speeding ticket attorneys located in Maryland who can help drivers accused of similar violations in that state. If you or a loved one has been accused of violating traffic laws and speeding the Free State, you will require similar representation. Please visit our Maryland traffic lawyer page for more information about the services we can provide.

Quantico Speeding Ticket Lawyer Thomas Soldan 888-415-8090

Thomas Soldan, along with the other attorneys with our firm, has the resources and skills necessary to help you. With years of experience and a familiarity with local courts, he is prepared to go the distance in your case. All you need to do is call and set up your free initial consultation. Your consultation will give you the opportunity to ask Mr. Soldan any questions you might have about the charge that you face and the strategies that he may employ in your defense. He will also walk you through the entire process, so that you understand everything as it occurs and so that you are as comfortable and confident as possible during such a stressful time.