Dale City Speeding Ticket Lawyer

If you have been cited for driving at an excessive speed, depending on the circumstances, specific charges, and your driving record in Dale City or anywhere in Prince William County, you could be facing severe fines and possibly even jail time. Obtaining solid representation from a local Dale City speeding ticket attorney can help you avoid the negative penalties associated with a guilty verdict. Our skilled traffic ticket lawyers are especially adept at resolving speeding charges, reckless driving cases, and many other traffic offenses.

The heavy traffic and high speeds generated in part due to the fact that Dale City is bordered by Interstate 95 and in part because it is the home of Potomac Mills Mall, the largest outlet mall in the United States, provide myriad opportunities for officers to catch drivers traveling at excessive speeds. Visitors to Dale City who come to the area for shopping or other activities might not be familiar with the local speed restrictions and could unwittingly violate traffic laws. Depending on the speed at which a vehicle is alleged to be traveling, motorists could even end up with a reckless driving charge, which is a criminal misdemeanor in Virginia.

Traffic Offenses in Dale City

In order to protect lives and property, several serious driving offenses have been lumped together into the general category of reckless driving.  Charges can include driving 20 miles per hour (MPH) over the speed limit or 81 MPH or more, failing to come to a complete stop, improper passing offenses, racing on public streets or highways, and improper signaling when changing lanes. Penalties upon conviction can be as serious as 12 months in jail and even a fine of up to $2,500.

Because all of the above are jailable offenses, not only must you appear in traffic court, but you are also unable to speak with the Prince William County prosecuting attorney prior to your hearing to explain the details of the case and why you believe the ticket doesn’t apply to the offense. However, your defense attorney can do all of that. A skilled defense lawyer will be familiar with all of the strategies at their disposal that could lead to a reduction of the charges and the potential penalties, or even possibly have the charges dropped completely. That could mean avoiding jail time and a $2,500 fine altogether.

A local Dale City traffic ticket attorney is a valuable weapon when fighting any traffic offense due to their understanding of local court procedures and their familiarity with the judges and prosecutors that work in the area. Sometimes, taking a safe driving course is all that is needed in order to prove that you are a conscientious driver who just made a mistake.

Getting ticketed for speeding can be frustrating, but it can also cause severe negative consequences for your driving privileges if you have previous offenses and demerit points on your Virginia driving record. In order to avoid having to defend yourself in court, you would be wise to contact an experienced traffic ticket defense attorney to help protect you.

Contact a Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Any traffic offense can be a gateway to trouble for you if not handled properly by someone who is familiar with the local court system and Virginia driving laws. Hiring a seasoned defense lawyer who knows the Virginia’s complicated traffic laws and how they are applied by court officials in the area is your best bet to protect yourself from spending time in jail, paying excessive fines, and enduring an increase in your insurance rates. If you have multiple traffic offenses on your record, the penalties will only increase. Contact our local speeding ticket defense attorneys if you have been ticketed in Dale City or anywhere in Prince William County. By calling now, you can obtain a free case evaluation and learn more about your options for defense.